Share Your Story

Have you or do you currently suffer from chronic pain, a chronic illness, or a mental health disorder?

Share your chronic pain story to touch other people's lives who may be going through similar struggles. Help others to see they are not alone.

"You are not a victim for sharing your story. You are a survivor setting the world on fire with your truth. And you never know who needs your light, your warmth, and raging courage." - Alex Elle


Fill out the form below for the opportunity to have your story added to our blog and possibly our email newsletter.


There is a chance your story will also be shared to our social media accounts. All your information will be kept confidential with the exception of the first name or alias name you enter below and your home state and country.


What kind of stories are we looking for?

Any Story of Someone Living with Chronic Pain!

Here are questions you can answer for your Share Your Story submission:

  1.  What type of chronic pain or mental health problem do you have? How long have you had it?
  2.  How has it impacted your life?
  3.  What have you learned from it?
  4.  What Alternative Treatments have you found success with, if any?
  5.  What are some positive ways you cope with your pain, in order to help others who can relate? (Ideas: Support, Managing mental health aspects, Managing pain, Lifestyle changes, Scheduling things, Routines, Hopeful outlooks)

We have no specific criteria for these stories, the questions above are just to help you figure out what to share. You can just respond to them in a Q&A format, if you would like.


DISCLAIMER: At Hope Instilled we do not recommend or endorse any medications and/or treatments. Each person is different and each treatment brings differing results. What works for one might not work as well, or at all, for another. While we encourage stories we ask that specific medications not be mentioned directly. Thank you for your understanding."


Feel free to interact and respond to comments posted by others in response to your story.

Name (optional)
Country (optional)
My Story

By submitting your story below, you are granting Hope Instilled Inc. the rights to share your story any place the company finds beneficial. Your story may receive minor edits in grammar and punctuation, but only for easier readability. However, the entirety of your story will remain the same, nothing will be added or subtracted. Your story will still be yours and you will be recognized for it with just your first name or the alias name that you supply.