Overcoming 5 Common Chronic Pain Fears
Posted by By: J.A, Writer for Hope Instilled on Wed Apr 25th, 2018 at 9:17 am
By: J.A, Writer for Hope Instilled
FEAR is what leaves us feeling stuck, it can control us and manipulate us if we let it. We might not even realize fear is in control. Thoughts in the back of our mind say things to us and we just listen automatically without hesitation.
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt
What Kind of Fears Do We Face with Chronic Pain?

Fear of the Unknown: Episodes of Severe Chronic Pain
Fear of pain is common for chronic pain sufferers. It is easy to assume the worse with chronic pain. So it is important to either write down our fears or share our fears with someone who will truly listen. By addressing them in one of these ways, they may become less intimidating. We can also try some form of meditation or pain control techniques. It also helps to focus on one day at a time, one hour at a time, and one minute at a time. Let’s not concern ourselves with how we are going to get through a whole week, let’s just focus on each moment as it passes. Time will be a bit less intimidating then.
Stressing about when the next pain episode will come, will likely make the pain worse when it does arrive. It’s important to practice self-care in order to prevent pain episodes. We shouldn’t feel guilty about making our health a priority. Remember that we are strong warriors, we have gotten through a lot of painful experiences already. We will get through the next ones too.
Fear of Nothing Ever Improving
If we fear nothing ever improving, then it probably never will. It is the mindset that things can get better that will lead us toward improving them. There are always things we can do to improve our lives through lifestyle changes or mindsets.
Just changing what food we are consuming can help. Not necessarily to cure the pain, but at least to reduce or possibly prevent some pain episodes. Just in general, reducing sugars, eating less prepackaged foods, foods with fewer ingredients, and eating more natural foods could help. Additionally, there are plenty of stories out there of people healing from chronic illnesses and diseases that are said to be “incurable.” These are not purely miracles. There is information that isn’t being widely publicized, and isn’t known by most medical professionals. But, that doesn't mean anyone can be healed either.
We can always improve our situation whether it's lifestyle improvements or a change in mindset. We just have to believe it! There are many inspirational stories out there of people who were forced to give up on all their dreams, due to chronic illnesses and ongoing pain. Yet, they have still found a way to see the positive in each and every day. There are also many people with disabilities who have found ways to use the talents they possess, to make significant changes to the world, and are historically famous for their achievements. Every single one of us can make a difference in the world, no matter what roadblocks life has given us.
Fear of Losing Money on Failed Treatments
We might fear that we will spend all this money on treatment only for it not to work. But, we should be asking ourselves, what if it does? What is it worth to get our lives back from chronic pain? It’s a matter of asking the right questions, to make sure we have a doctor we can trust. Preferably a doctor that has actually treated people with similar conditions, and improved those people’s lives.
- Feeling Like a Fool for Believing a Treatment Will Help
We might fear being taken advantage of, believing some treatment will work, and then it ends up doing nothing to help. Not to mention the time and money lost on a failed treatment. Some worry may be that treatment is just “quackery.” This is difficult because there are some weird treatments out there. Some may seem odd because we never heard of them, but that doesn’t mean they don’t work. Additionally, there are bad doctors, and keep in mind what works for one person may not work for another.
So it is important to do enough research on the treatment and the doctor we are trying before moving forward. Also, pay attention to reviews and recommendations. Healing takes time, so we shouldn’t dismiss that a treatment isn’t working, just because we don’t see results right away. We should always ask the doctor how long we need to continue treatment before we see results. While also keeping in mind, if the treatment has been around for a long time, it must be working for some people. A treatment that is widespread across the U.S. or worldwide is not going to exist on just a “placebo” effect. Even if it seems too odd and doesn’t have all the scientific backing other treatments have.
Ask yourself, "why have I come to the conclusion that this treatment is not valid?" Write those reasons down and evaluate if they are sound. In addition, go to the Hope Instilled website to see if we have already done the research on the treatment you are considering. We have in-depth information on a lot of alternative treatments, so you don’t have to spend countless hours doing research. We answer all the major questions most people would want answers to before trying out a new treatment. Lastly, sometimes we just need to take a leap believing that the chance of improving the pain is greater than the feelings of disappointment.
Pain Increasing with a New Treatment
Maybe our fear is the pain will get worse with a new treatment. Many medications can have severe side effects and cause all sorts of new problems. So that is a valid fear for modern medicine. But, most alternative treatments have very few side effects, because they are usually very natural. So then it just comes down to doing good research and choosing a good doctor.
“Fears are nothing more than a state of mind.” - Napoleon Hill
Fear Can Keep Us from Enjoying Life. Don’t let it!
Fear of more pain, fear of being around people who don’t understand, fear of things never improving, can crush our spirits. Fear can control us and trap us if we let it. We need to make our health a priority and self-care a priority. And part of self-care is finding some fulfillment or joy in life. Unhappiness, stress, and fear can just lead to more pain. So we need to seek out positive things every day. Plan something fun for each and every day, no matter how simple or small. Find fulfillment through helping others, or bringing some happiness into other people’s lives.
We should also lean on others who share similar struggles. That’s what Hope Instilled provides, a place for support and friendships to blossom with people who have similar struggles. Hope Instilled is also working toward in-person support groups throughout the U.S. and even worldwide. We are here to help you conquer your fears, become more hopeful, and improve your situation.
Living with chronic pain is not easy, there are no easy solutions, magical cures, but there is always the possibility of finding more light in the darkness. Hope is available, change is inevitable, and improving your life is always possible.
What fears do you have with chronic pain? Do they have too much power?
It is okay to have fears, we all do, but the question is to what degree? Are your fears controlling your life? Are they holding you back from making improvements? If they are, maybe you need to read something inspirational every day, read a helpful or inspiring book, talk to someone, or write them down and make sense of them. Tune into what needs you have that you might be ignoring. Make some life changes. Maybe you just need to find a way to use the gifts you possess to find more joy, which will lead to less fear.