A life with debilitating chronic illness can be isolating. I know this firsthand.
If you’re reading this post, you may also understand the isolation that comes when chronic illness keeps you from living what many would consider a “normal life.”
In this rough season of treating Lyme Disease and other chronic health conditions, the majority of my time has been spent in bed.
At some points, I could barely leave my apartment once a week. My boyfriend would come by with groceries or supper to help get me through the time until I had enough strength to make it out again. Occasionally, another friend would stop by to visit or bring a meal.
I had interaction, but it wasn’t often. Long weeks of being alone can take a toll on a person.
The thing is, it’s not just the loneliness that was bad. When you add together chronic pain and symptom flares, the inability to leave home, and others’ misunderstanding about your condition, it can be hard to want to keep going. If you’ve ever felt this way, I am so sorry. I want you to know that you are not alone.
"Hope is patience with the lamp lit." - Tertullian
Discovering Alternative Treatments: MASSAGE "I was told that I needed carpal tunnel surgery in both hands. My masseuse roughly manipulated a spot on my upper arm and I walked out of there with great relief! I've never had the surgeries! She showed me were to manipulate, and I do it myself now when I've been texting or on FB too much." - Laurie Can Massage Therapy Relieve Your Chronic Pain? From: Massage Tique Lower back pain – According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), researchers have found promising evidence that massage therapy can benefit people with lower back pain. Researchers at Canada’s Institute for Work and Health found acupressure was more effective for lower back pain than Swedish massage. Thai massage produced similar results to Swedish massage. The researchers recommended massage therapy in conjunction with exercises and relevant education. Headaches – In a study of people who experience chronic tension headaches, researchers found massage therapy reduced the frequency and duration of these headaches. Even short 30-minute sessions could alleviate certain headaches, and the participants experienced significant reductions in headache frequency after only the first week of this eight-week study. Arthritis knee pain – In a study of people who had knee pain from arthritis, researchers found massage therapy provided pain relief benefits for at least eight weeks after treatment. In a follow-up study, they determined weekly 60-minute massage sessions were the most effective, given their convenience, cost, and consistency. Neck pain – In a study of 228 people living with chronic neck pain, a team of doctors found 60-minute massage sessions were more effective than 30-minute ones. They urged physicians to relate this information to their patients when recommending massage for neck pain. Fibromyalgia – A researcher in Sweden found people with fibromyalgia who received massage therapy felt less pain up to six months after treatment. In this study of 48 patients, the researcher found 15 massage therapy treatments over a 10-week period relieved 37% of pain, relieved feelings of depression, and decreased study participants’ need for painkillers. Cancer pain – Cancer patients have long turned to massage therapy for relief from pain related to cancer and cancer treatments. One research group found massage therapy is effective for short-term treatment of anxiety and depression in cancer patients. In their review of many previous studies, they highlighted one in which cancer patients experienced a 50% reduction in symptoms after receiving massage therapy.
Exercise and Chronic Pain, it's not what you think
Exploring Wellness: Exercise and Stretching
By: Hope Instilled
Research shows exercise is an essential aspect in the treatment of chronic pain. With reduced activity the muscles lose tone and can slowly atrophy. Any increase in muscle tone can help stabilize the body and support the skeletal system. Exercise helps with chronic pain because it releases endorphins to the brain which help heal the body.
Exercising does not mean a gym membership. It can and should be as simple as walking around your home, or utilizing more arm movement, range of motion. Make sure you regularly do exercises and stretches from any therapist you see. Perhaps it will begin as walking to the corner and back, then walking around the block. Slow and consistent progress is the goal. Your only competition is the person in your mirror.
Benefits of Exercise
Not only does exercise help in reducing pain, but also helps with engaging in enjoyable activities and regular life tasks. Exercise helps to keep your joints moving well, muscles strong, and improve mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Other benefits include improved blood pressure, heart efficiency, metabolism, and energy. Exercise has also been shown to help with sleep problems because active individuals are able to reach a deeper level of sleep for a longer period of time.
"There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope" - Bernard Williams
DIY Recipe: Ginger can be used to treat arthritis, nausea, headaches, inflammation, menstrual cramps, muscle soreness, and other pains.  It has been used by the Chinese for over 2,000 years to help with diarrhea, nausea, upset stomachs and vomiting. While ginger oil can relieve pain by applying it to the skin, the root of the plant is usually ingested.
Ginger is available in: capsules, honey-based ginger syrups, whole fresh root, and crystallized ginger.
Lemon-Ginger Tea Recipe
- 3-4 inches ginger root
- 4 cups water
- 1 lemon (or lime)
- Sweetener to taste
Chop fresh ginger root into about 15 quarter sized slices. Add to water and boil on the stove for a minimum of 10 minutes. Add half the juice of the lemon/lime. Strain tea to remove ginger slices. Pour tea cups and sweeten to taste. Drink three cups daily for arthritic, joint or muscle pain. If applying as a compress, grate ginger root, wrap it in a cheesecloth and place it in hot water for 30 seconds. Let it cool and place on affected area for 20 minutes.
Hope Instilled Resources & Support Support: Join Our Forums or Facebook Closed Groups for Peer to Peer Support, it's a place for us to talk about how living with chronic pain affects our lives. Follow us on Pinterest where we have boards on chronic pain, specific alternative treatments, wellness, preventing & curing cancer, stories of hope, DIY products/recipes, and more. Follow our YouTube Channel for some inspiring videos. Lik e us on Facebook or Follow us on Twitter for Hope, Medical News, Support, Alternative Treatments and Wellness information. New Content on Website View our pages on Exercising and Stretching to learn about the best exercises for people with chronic pain, along with tips and benefits. Find out how Chiropractic Care Helps with Chronic Pain |
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments about our newsletter. Yours in hope, Jory Pradjinski Founder of Hope Instilled, Inc. 414-731-7939 |