Discovering Alternative Treatments: Osteopathic Physicians From: Hope Instilled What is an Osteopath? An osteopath physician uses manual techniques to manipulate and strengthen the musculoskeletal framework. It is a drug-free, non-invasive treatment that aims to balance all body systems. Osteopaths focus on muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and the spine. Treatments aim to improve overall health and well-being by positively influencing the nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems. Diagnosing and treating conditions through osteopath techniques is referred to as Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM).
How Osteopaths Help with Chronic Pain Osteopathic medicine removes the underlying cause of the pain. It reduces pain, stiffness, and stress in muscles and joints, increases range of motion in joints, and can treat spinal problems. It is also known to reduce tension in the body, and has been shown to reduce migraine headaches and tension headaches. Plus, osteotherapy treats trauma resulting from accidents. Learn more about what is is, the principles of osteopathy, how it is different from chiropractic treatment, treatments, conditions it can help, how safe it is, the history of it, scientific proof, how to find a good practitioner, and what to expect at the initial appointment on our website.
"Hope is not easily defined, but impossible to embrace without faith. The more we search for meaning in what seems hopeless; we realize that our "hopelessness" is a state of mind, not a reality." - Carol Bright
Exploring Wellness: Food for your mood: How what you eat affects your mental health
By: Alice Gomstyn, aetna
The science behind food and mood The connection between diet and emotions stems from the close relationship between your brain and your gastrointestinal tract, often called the “second brain.” Here’s how it works: Your GI tract is home to billions of bacteria that influence the production of neurotransmitters, chemical substances that constantly carry messages from the gut to the brain. (Dopamine and serotonin are two common examples.) Eating healthy food promotes the growth of “good” bacteria, which in turn positively affects neurotransmitter production. A steady diet of junk food, on the other hand, can cause inflammation that hampers production. When neurotransmitter production is in good shape, your brain receives these positive messages loud and clear, and your emotions reflect it. But when production goes awry, so might your mood.
It's okay to talk about your pain with good friends (they will be there for you) and us (we can relate).
Finding HOPE Ginger’s Story of Discovering her Compassion and Strength By: Ginger A story about taking control over your health, not giving up, finding the positive in life, and believing in new possibilities and opportunities. My life changed about a year ago, when I was officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and scoliosis. It was a terrible year, I lost a dear friend, had a tough time working out like I used to and even simple walking affected me. I began falling a lot, which is so unlike me. In July, an orthopedic doctor wanted to perform surgery on my calf, which he said was so tight and short, but that was only one of the many places I felt pain so I refused. Then in September, my doctor called me all upset about the results of my hip x-rays showing massive degenerative changes and wanted me to schedule surgery. Again, I refused because of all the other places where I really hurt besides my calf and hips. Finally, in October, a rheumatologist confirmed what I had suspected. I had 16 out of the 18 possible trigger points. Twelve being the magic number to be diagnosed with this wonderful illness. I was just thrilled to know I was above average in something!
“To be without hope is like being without goals, what are you working towards?" - Catherine Pulsifer
DIY Natural Recipe: Aloe Vera From: Dr. Axe Not just for sunscreen! Aloe Vera can help with:
- Osteoarthritis
- Bowel diseases
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Depression
- Skin conditions: sunburn, burns, cold sores
Aloe vera produces two substances used for medicine: The gel is obtained from the cells in the center of the leaf, and the latex is obtained from the cells just beneath the leaf skin.
Aloe vera is one of approximately 420 species of the genus Aloe; the botanical name of aloe vera is Aloe barbadensis miller. It’s a perennial, xerophytic, succulent plant that’s green and has triangular, fleshy leaves with serrated edges. Aloe vera contains many vitamins and minerals vital for proper growth and function of all the body’s systems.
Recommended aloe vera doses are based on scientific research and publications. But, make sure to read labels. Notify your doctor if you have side effects.
- Constipation take 100–200 milligrams of aloe vera daily.
- High cholesterol take one capsule of aloe vera containing 300 milligrams twice daily for two months.
- Inflammatory bowel disease take 100 milliliters twice daily for four weeks.
- Skin burns use a 97.5 percent aloe gel on the burn until it’s healed.
Read more on Aloe on Dr. Axe: Aloe Vera Benefits: Heal Skin, Constipation & Immune System
Hope Instilled Resources & Support Support: Join Our Forums or Facebook Closed Groups for Peer to Peer Support, it's a place for us to talk about how living with chronic pain affects our lives. Follow us on Pinterest where we have boards on chronic pain, specific alternative treatments, wellness, preventing & curing cancer, stories of hope, DIY products/recipes, and more. Follow our YouTube Channel for inspiring videos. Lik e us on Facebook or Follow us on Twitter for Hope, Medical News, Support, Alternative Treatments and Wellness information. New Content on Website View our page on Osteopathic Physicians find out what they are and how they can help with chronic pain. Share Your Story! Help other people who suffer from chronic pain by sharing alternative treatments you have found or hope that you have gained. |
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments about our newsletter. Yours in hope, Jory Pradjinski Founder of Hope Instilled, Inc. 414-731-7939 |