Finding HOPE Alternative Treatments Can Make a Difference and Even Give You Your Life Back! By: Jena, Hope Instilled, Inc. You have probably heard time and time again that there is no cure for such and such chronic illness. You probably have heard more than one doctor lead you toward a dead end. You probably have been told, "Just take this medication for the rest of your life and you will feel better." However, you must of also heard stories of people being cured from chronic illnesses. You have probably thought, just because that worked for them, doesn't mean it will work for me. Which is probably quite accurate. Because even if you have been diagnosed with the same chronic illness, it doesn't mean the same things are going wrong with your body as it is with theirs. That's why I encourage you to stop paying attention to that chronic illness label you were given with its stamp that says "no hope, no cure." I encourage you to start this year with an open mind. Why? Because I’m researching and writing some of the most extensive information out there for alternative treatments, and some of these treatments you have probably never heard of. But, that doesn't mean they don't work. That’s why we are giving you in-depth information to read, learn, and take back your health! All in one place. The treatment that led me back to feeling normal again isn’t a treatment that diagnoses just one type of illness or only helps for my specific condition. This is a treatment that can help just about anyone with a chronic illness. It works by finding the source of your specific problem whether it be dietary, a nutritional deficiency, nerve tissue damage, toxins in the body or a chemical imbalance. No magical cure. It took months for me to truly feel better and more than a year to get back to actually feeling normal. I had to make changes in the food I ate, as well. I didn't know much about it, I just took a leap of faith and I got my life back. I get to feel normal again. Now I get to share it with you. It will be added to the website soon, and will be shared in the upcoming newsletter. One of these treatments you probably never heard of is already on the website: Neurofeedback! A treatment that actually has a ton of scientific backing, and treats neurological conditions which are usually the cause of depression. But, can also treat anxiety and other chronic pain if they are neurological conditions. It can actually fix the cause and get rid of the problem completely!
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. - Albert Einstein
Discovering Alternative Treatments: Neurofeedback How does Neurofeedback help with Chronic Pain? From: Hope Instilled Neurofeedback, a non-invasive treatment with a ton of scientific evidence can not only treat conditions including; depression, anxiety, and other chronic pain, but has the possibility of actually fixing them for good. What is Neurofeedback? It is used to improve brainwave activity. Neurofeedback examines brainwaves, it finds the abnormalities, and then creates a signal to fix the abnormality and send the brainwave back to normal patterns. After many neurofeedback sessions the brain will be trained to stay within normal, healthy patterns without the help of a computer. This can reduce or even eliminate neurological symptoms. Researchers have known for decades the connection between neurological conditions and abnormal brainwaves. Neurofeedback is the only treatment that directly focuses on fixing irregular brainwaves, returning them to healthy patterns. "Research has repeatedly shown that depression occurs when the brain has an irregular brainwave pattern." - Dr. Frank Lanzisera "How we experience the world is a result of our positive and negative brainwave activity. Neurofeedback can improve how we think, feel, and behave." Learn what is in relation to biofeedback, how it works, types of brainwaves, how long it takes, benefits for chronic pain, conditions it improves, how to find a practitioner, the history, and scientific evidence to support it on our website.
Things are possible, there is hope.
Exploring Wellness: Sleep We know for some chronic pain sufferers, it's not a matter of not making an effort to get enough sleep, your chronic pain or illness gets in the way. We hear you, that's why we have created a Pinterest Board specifically to give you some ideas to try in order to naturally deal with those insomnia issues: INSOMNIA: Natural Remedies Many of the costs of poor sleep go unnoticed. The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Body
By: Health Line
The long term effects of sleep deprivation are real. It drains your mental abilities and puts your physical health at real risk. Science has linked poor slumber with all kinds of health problems, from weight gain to a weakened immune system. Your body needs sleep, just as it needs air and food to function at its best. During sleep, your body heals itself and restores its chemical balance. Your brain forges new connections and helps memory retention. Without enough sleep, your brain and body systems won’t function normally. It can also dramatically lower your quality of life. A review of 16 studies found that sleeping for less than 6 to 8 hours a night increases the risk of early death by about 12 percent. The obvious signs of sleep deprivation are:
- excessive sleepiness
- yawning
- irritability
- daytime fatigue
Stimulants like caffeine aren’t enough to override your body’s profound need for sleep. Behind the scenes, chronic sleep deprivation can interfere with your body’s internal systems and cause more than just the initial signs and symptoms listed above. Read on to learn exactly how sleep deprivation affects specific body functions and systems.
"Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future. " – Robert H. Schuller
DIY Natural Recipe: Valerian Root Valerian root can help with depression, epilepsy, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), joint and muscle pain, menstrual cramps, and symptoms associated with menopause. This root acts as a sedative on the brain and nervous system. It does not act as quickly as a manufactured painkiller, but has longer lasting results and is safer.
When added to bath water valerian can help with sleep disorders and restlessness. Taken internally this root can be consumed in extract or oil form. You can take 400-900 milligrams of extract in capsule or tablet form one and a half to two hours before bedtime. Or you can mix 20-60 drops of valerian tincture in warm water. A cup of valerian tea before bed can help with pain relief.
Share Your Story Hope Instilled is all about creating a community of people who suffer from chronic pain that can come together to help one another. We all have different ways of handling the chronic pain, and different treatments we have tried. Not one of us knows everything about the treatments out there or the best ways to handle the pain. Our story may have the answers someone else needs or help someone to see they are not alone. Please consider sharing your story. The writing doesn't have to be perfect, we will make small edits to make sure it's easy to read and follow. You don't have to use your real name, and if it's a bit long we can share it as two blog posts. |
Hope Instilled Resources & Support Support: Join Our Forums or Facebook Closed Groups for Peer to Peer Support, it's a place for us to talk about how living with chronic pain affects our lives. Follow us on Pinterest where we have boards on chronic pain, specific alternative treatments, wellness, preventing & curing cancer, stories of hope, DIY products/recipes, and more. Follow our YouTube Channel for inspiring videos. Lik e us on Facebook or Follow us on Twitter for Hope, Medical News, Support, Alternative Treatments and Wellness information. New Content on Website View our page on Reflexology and Neurofeedback find out what they are and how they can help with chronic pain. Share Your Story! Help other people who suffer from chronic pain by sharing alternative treatments you have found or hope that you have gained. |
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments about our newsletter. Yours in hope, Jory Pradjinski Founder of Hope Instilled, Inc. 414-731-7939 |